A Comprehensive Look into the Draftsman Salary 

Average Salary for a Costs Draftsman

On average, a Costs Draftsman in the UK can expect a salary of around £45,100. This figure can vary depending on the specific industry and region. To get a comprehensive understanding of how the pay for Costs Draftsman roles differs by sector and how it stacks up against other locales within the UK, it would be beneficial to review the various salary trends and data available.

Years of Relevant ExperienceLower Salary Range (£)Average Salary (£)Upper Salary Range (£)

The salary for Costs Draftsman positions across the UK exhibits regional variation, reflecting the economic landscape of each area. A broader look into the compensation trends reveals that location is a significant factor, with some regions offering higher wages than others. 

UK Costs Draftsman Salary Spectrum

Close-up of a person's hands using a calculator and pointing at a financial document

In the United Kingdom, earnings for a Costs Draftsman can span a broad spectrum, with the upper echelons potentially reaching an annual pay upwards of £70,000. On average, professionals in this role might anticipate an income in the vicinity of £45,000. Entry-level or less experienced draftsmen, however, may start at a lower salary threshold, with figures around £32,000 yearly. These numbers are subject to fluctuate based on a multitude of factors including experience, location, and the employing sector.


The salary of a cost draftsman in the UK can be influenced by multiple factors, with geographical location and industry sector being key determinants. Additionally, the level of experience and specific skills also play substantial roles. Understanding this structure fully is critical for those aspiring to build a successful career as a cost draftsman.